Posted by maw2214 On Friday, June 1, 2012 0 comments

The 1860s was a time of uncertainty and political unrest in Japan. Finally, in 1868, the
situation became so serious that Emperor Mutsuhito took control from the last shogun
(military dictator). Mutsuhito became known as the Meiji emperor, and this event is
called the ‘Meiji restoration’. Under the emperor’s authority, Japan embarked on a
programmed of modernization. In 1872, a group of Japanese politicians went on a tour
of Europe and North America to learn more about industry, education and ways of life
in the West. As a result, factories were built in Japan and the country started to change
from an agricultural to an industrialized nation. This also included the establishment of
a national railway system. During the period of Meiji rule, education was introduced for
all Japanese people. The Meiji emperor also gave farmers ownership of their lands and
changed Japan’s army and navy into modern military forces.