Posted by maw2214 On Tuesday, June 5, 2012 0 comments

In 1870, a movement calling for Home Rule was founded in Ireland. Supporters of Home
Rule wanted a separate parliament to deal with Irish affairs in Dublin. Although the
British government was force to introduce many reforms, two bills to introduce Home
Rule were defeated in parliament in the 1880s and 1980s. William Gladstone was Prime
Minister of Britain four times during the reign of Queen Victoria. He believe that the
Irish should run their own affairs and was a staunch supporter of Home Rule. But he
failed to get his Home Rule Bill approved by parliament. During World War I, the issue
of Home Rule continued to cause conflict in Ireland. The third Home Rule Bill had
been passed by the British parliament in 1914, but the outbreak of war in the same year
delayed the start. Irish protestants, however, were bitterly opposed to Home Rule. They
were in the majority in the northern province of Ulster, and believed that they would
be treated unfairly by a Dublin parliament. They formed the Ulster Volunteer Force to
protect themselves if Home Rule was introduced.


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