Posted by maw2214 On Saturday, April 28, 2012 0 comments

It would be easy to think that a duck’s feathers would soon become waterlogged so that it would sink,
but in fact, ducks, geese and swans, as well as seabirds, have waterproof feathers, which enable them
to swim and dive beneath the surface of the water. Ducks create this waterproofing using the oil from
the preen gland, near the base of the tail, which they spread through their feathers and the underlying
dense layer of down with their bills. A layer of fat under their breast skin also helps to keep them
buoyant. Different ducks feed in different ways, some dive, some upend and feed from the bottom of
the lake or river while others ‘dabbles’, stirring up the water with their feet to find food.


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